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Our coveted raw honey is infused with spicy crushed chilies for a balance of natural flavors that complements practically any dish. Don’t be shy—pour it on thick and enjoy!
Scoville Heat Unit of approx. 1800
500g / 17.6oz
All natural, preservative-free ingredients
Drizzle Cinnamon Spiced Raw Honey is warm and inviting. Spread over toast, stir into oatmeal or yogurt or drizzle over baked brie for some sweet comfort on a chilly day.
All natural, preservative-free ingredients
All natural, preservative-free ingredients
Drizzle Golden is a rich, bold, raw honey, perfectly paired with daring flavours like hot sauce, aged cheese or a cup of strong coffee.
375g / 13.2oz
All natural, preservative-free ingredients