Our sweet Story
An environmental scientist
Our story starts in 2014: Our founder Aja, then an environmental scientist, was working in urban agriculture research. She was assigned a rooftop beekeeping project for harvesting culinary honey, and it became the beginning of a lifelong love affair with bees.

Our sweet Story
A backyard beekeeper
Aja became a woman obsessed—and, soon after, a backyard beekeeper. She invested in hives, harvested the honey herself, then poured and packaged it in her own (very sticky) kitchen. She would tie twine around jars until her fingers bled, then sell out at her local artisan market.

Our sweet Story
The plot twist — a bee allergy
By 2016, Aja quit her research job to go full-time with Drizzle. But like all good stories, there was a plot twist: Within a week of quitting, Aja officially became allergic to bees. She’d been stung one too many times and couldn’t pursue beekeeping anymore—but she could still pursue honey.

Our sweet Story
A buzzing network of beekeepers
Tapping into her network of beekeepers, Aja pivoted Drizzle’s business model. She started partnering with local beekeepers who shared her love of bees and values in sustainability, stopped pouring and packaging honey in her own kitchen, and built Drizzle into what it is today.