How can we protect our pollinators?
What is a pollinator?
Pollinators include bees, bats, butterflies, moths and more!
What do pollinators do?
About 90% of all plants on earth require pollination to form flowers or fruit. Pollinators are responsible for every 1 in every 3 bites of food you take. Without them we wouldn’t have coffee, almonds, bananas, apples and much, much more. This is why it is so important to protect our pollinators!
5 ways we can protect the pollinators:


1.Limit pesticides in your garden

Pollinators can be harmed if they consume nectar or pollen that has come into contact with pesticides. Because of this it is important to limit pesticide use in gardens.


 2. Offer a safe water source

Place a shallow dish of water on your deck or window sill to help thirsty pollinators stay hydrated. By placing several semi-submerged stones in the water dish, you can provide pollinators with places to land so they can drink without running the risk of drowning.


3. Plant a pollinator friendly garden

Plant native flowers that bloom at different times.


4. Provide safe nesting and sheltering sites

Downed tree limbs, logs, bare patches of dirt and bee boxes offer different pollinators sites of protection to rest or tend to their babies.


5. Leave the leaves!

Dead leaves and plant material are food and shelter for pollinators in the winter. Resist the urge to rake your leaves in the fall!