Honey Shampoo Video with Dawn Bradley and Drizzle Honey

Honey Shampoo Video with Dawn Bradley and Drizzle Honey

When one of our friends with healthy, shiny hair said she only uses Drizzle Honey as a shampoo + conditioner, we were curious. Drizzle is already known as an exceptional culinary product, but why was everyone starting to ask about using it for creating natural beauty products? How much honey did we need to use and wouldn’t it make our hair sticky? Last week, Dawn Bradley (hair stylist and salon owner) and Aja Horsley (owner of Drizzle Honey) got together to create an easy raw honey shampoo recipe, share it with all of you and see what all the hype was about.

What are the benefits of raw honey shampoo?

If you want to see the benefits of honey shampoo you have to start with the right kind of honey: a high-quality raw honey. To varying degrees, raw honey is naturally:

  • Antimicrobial (prevent the spread of bacteria, fungi, and some viruses)
  • Antibacterial (prevent the development of bacteria)
  • Moisturizing (honey is a natural humectant ie. it attracts and retains moisture)
  • A source of enzymes, minerals and vitamins (hello antioxidants!)

Knowing the above, honey shampoo has the potential to repair and heal not only your hair but also your scalp. It also won’t strip your scalp of protective oils, which means less frizz and more nourishment. And the best part is it is completely natural, without any toxic ingredients. I don’t know about you, but that’s something we like to hear!

What kind of honey should we use?

We mentioned that a high quality raw honey should be used for this method. Raw honey has not been heated above normal beehive temperatures, nor has it been heavily filtered. That means all the natural health properties of the honey, like those listed above, are maintained rather than being micro-filtered or basically "cooked-out" at high temperatures. A lot of generic honey isn’t actually honey, but is rather an over-processed syrup, so make sure you have a trustworthy honey source. Drizzle Honey is a perfect match for the honey shampoo method.


What is the honey shampoo recipe?

In a small container or squeeze bottle mix together:

That’s it, seriously!

Try to only mix what you need for the week each time you make this recipe. Because the honey is mixed with water it can natural ferment (and turn into honey wine which may not be a bad thing in other circumstances)!

What else should we know about honey shampoo?

  • The beneficial effects of honey shampoo can vary, depending on your scalp, hair thickness and texture as well as the climate/season that you live in.
  • We have read that during your transition period to natural hair products from typical store-bought products, your hair may take time to adjust to its new regime. This can unfortunately include oiliness for the first few weeks.
  • Honey has been used medicinally for hundreds if not 1000’s of years, however honey's health claims still require further rigorous scientific studies to confirm them. Personally, I love that the scientific community is finally paying attention to natural products.
  • If fully committing to this method seems like something you couldn’t do, why not try it out every second shampoo? Why not still use a detangler on your roots (hopefully our next post together includes a natural detangler recipe)? How about adding in a few drops of your favorite essential oils?                                   Let us know what works for you and your favorite methods in the comments below!



Aja Horsley

Aja Horsley

Hi Stephanie! Thanks for the kind comments! I do use this method between regular washes – it’s a great soothing and conditioning mask, especially in the winter. I’ve also used this one: 1 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp Drizzle raw honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.

Hi Stephanie! Thanks for the kind comments! I do use this method between regular washes – it’s a great soothing and conditioning mask, especially in the winter. I’ve also used this one: 1 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp Drizzle raw honey, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.



Interesting!! I’ve never thought to use honey as a shampoo. Is that what you use Aja? your hair looks great and so healthy!

Interesting!! I’ve never thought to use honey as a shampoo. Is that what you use Aja? your hair looks great and so healthy!

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